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EAS FundingIf you’re interested in owning and operating a business in Estonia, you should know that grants of the European Union will be available. When you hire our company today, we will help you to find and apply for the available grants. These grants give entrepreneurs access to vital capital. The Estonian government wishes to support new business in the country and one of the ways that the government fosters new business development is by offering grants. However, without our services at your disposal, you may find it hard to apply properly.

Financing a business can be easy. Our services will connect you to the best sources of European Union funding. These European Union grants are important sources of capital which doesn’t need to be repaid. EU business grants are designs to promote business success.

European grants for businesses aren’t hard to apply for, as long as you have the right consultant services at your disposal, and we offer these services. We’ll help you to get the European grant funding that you need.

Grants come from the Assistance Foundation of Entrepreneurship Development (EAS).

What are the advantages of these grants?

1. These grants are perfect for start-up entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs who already have established companies and wish to access grants should be in business for less than one year. Others will not be eligible to apply.

2. Grants must be utilized for business development of the company. New entrepreneurs may operate firms which export goods or services. These businesses should be fairly new (less than 36 months old) if extra funding is required.

3. Grant of this type may be used in order to bring innovative goods to market. For example, if research and development are needed, grants may be applied to these elements of product development.

As you can see, such grants are versatile and they are designed to help out an array of different entrepreneurs. Other grants are also available which may be used in order to support tourism, partnerships between nations, exhibition attendance and product exportation.

In particular, grants which support tourism are designed to promote the image of Estonia all over the world. Grants which support international partnerships are meant to assist firms with achieving international business platforms and connections. For example, they may help Estonian companies to sell their goods in other nations.

Each registered in Estonia company has an opportunity for business development loans.

At Finbalt Consulting OÜ, we are here to help you get the grant that you need!

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